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tv   wusa 9 News at 5pm  CBS  January 28, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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today. >> i was surprised. >> it is not that big a deal. >> adults are just irritated with kids and high school kids who make travel inconvenient for them. >> a few bad apples. once you find those few bad apples in the bunch, we can start preventing a lot of things in the near future. >> reporter: it is important to let you know this victim is going to be okay. he was roughed up. metro police say he was pushed to the ground, stomped on the other hand and kicked. anyone on that took video should call the police right away. delia goncalves, wusa9. >> there were a lot of people in the video there. delia, thank you. we reached out to dc public schools but a spokesperson offered no comment. we are just learning about this. a district dentist accused of sexually assaulting a male patient. this reportedly happened in the
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dentist office at 32nd and m street in northwest. the victim says he was sexually assaulted by 43-year-old belal ahmed after being treated with nitrus oxide. there is a search on right now for a hit and run driver in prince george's county after a man was hit while walking on annapolis road. the sidewalk there has not been shoveled and the offenders on that count include a volunteer fire company and a domino's pizza place. scott broom is live where the sidewalk situation is still not resolved at this hour, scott? >> reporter: well right behind me now, the fire department is trying to make good. as soon as we brought this to their attention, they brought bobcats out here to work on it. they have still not shoveled the pizza restaurant. meanwhile, there is a man in the hospital in critical
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condition after this hit and run. crime scene tape. an unpassable sidewalk. a police lookout for an suv like this one that left behind this mirror after a man walking here was struck and critically injured here last night at 8:30. walkers like aaron shard were still forced out into this busy six-lane road because sidewalks are still not clear. >> it is dangerous. it's real dangerous out here. especially when cars are flying around the corner like that. >> reporter: the hit and run happened in front of this unshovelled domino's restaurant where the manager refused to talk about it and told me to call an 800 number. next door, the fire department has left large piles of snow burying the sidewalk about 20 feet from the accident scene. county fire officials say that is a violation of their order to clear sidewalks and fire
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houses. machinery was dispatched to correct the issue this afternoon. the victim of the hit and run was an adult man who is still hospitalized with life threatening injuries. the damaged suv they are looking for has not been found. all right. this sidewalk issue apparently turning dangerous here. the bobcat is still at work here at the fire house. let me push you around and you can see the dominoes over here. their sidewalk is still covered with snow. but they are cooking plenty of pizza inside. the company has not gotten back to me. reporting live, scott broom, wusa9. >> it is about time to hit that sidewalk. thank you scott. there is a law in prince george's county requiring sidewalks to be cleared within 48 hours of a storm, now, no one has written a citation in the wake of the hit and run, but the county has announced it will begin enforceing the law starting tomorrow. for most parents, tomorrow will be yet another day with the kids at home. >> a solid week now in
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maryland, montgomery, prince george's, frederick, and howard counties will be closed again tomorrow. >> while in virginia, arlington schools will be closed. loudoun announced they would be closed today. but alexandria kids, listen up. you are headed back to school tomorrow. but with a two-hour delay. there is some good news right now, if you are one of the thousands of people who got a ticket on friday by dc police and parking enforcement for leaving your car on a snow emergency route, the mayor is voiding all of the tickets and giving you a refund if you already paid the $250 fine. bruce leshan is live for us on connecticut avenue. folks out there have to be thrilled. >> reporter: a lot of people out here happy about the mayor voiding those tickets that this city wrote on friday. but if you got a ticket, a snow emergency route ticket on saturday, sunday, or monday, you still have to pay that.
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and if you got tows on any of those days, you are still going to have to pay $125 for that. >> i think dc government snow removal plan is called spring. >> reporter: for residents still mad at the city's storm performance. >> senior citizens can't get out here and walk in the snow. >> reporter: canceling the tickets they issued on snow emergency routes on friday may help the mayor restore confidence. >> if you have a woman that is actually concerned about what the patron's finances are given the circumstance that hit us last weekend, i think you have several great leaders. >> reporter: dc issued more than $1.3 million in tickets. in the four days during and after the storm. almost 5500 drivers face fines. >> i think people got their cars stuck trying to get home. it would be a bummer getting a ticket for something you didn't
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mean to do. >> reporter: friday was the worst of it. almost 3,000 snow emergency tickets. voiding them will cost the city about $700,000. >> i think it is a very nice thing to do. i really do. it takes a village. >> people, this is a big storm. i did my share of shoveling. it is just good to have the mayor and the people working together. >> reporter: but some worry canceling the tickets will only encourage drivers to head out into the storm. >> i think that it might be an emergency that somebody has to get to. >> reporter: now the mayor says people ticketed on friday may not have known about the snow emergency or they may have been out trying to get ready for it. but, the move could make people who got tickets on saturday, sunday, and monday even more angry. live on connecticut avenue,
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bruce leshan, wusa9. they have repeatedly considered the snow fines and left them right where they are. to send out the message we have to keep the critical routes open. schools may not be back to normal, but metro is just about there. metro will return to regular rush hour frequencies on all of its lines tomorrow morning. but be warned. most trains will operate with six cars so they could be very crowded. and as of this afternoon, 98% of buses are running on their normal routes. we had a bit of an icy patch on the way into work this morning and it looks like there could have been some more refreezing tonight. chief meteorologist topper shutt is back, out on the weather terrace and top, how cold is it going to get? >> just cold enough. not super cold, but certainly and freezing or below freezing. that is enough to cause icy patches if you are walking around or driving around. right now, we are okay. 39 downtown, 39 gathersburg.
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38 hagerstown. and 39 in silver spring and fairfax. but, if you go through the futurecast, it 18:00 o'clock tonight, already by o'clock, some folks flirting with the freezing mark. gathersburg, hagerstown, winchester. clouds will come back in tonight as the cold front approaches. remember, we talked about this all week. that doesn't have to be 32 on the button to cause some slick spots. the ground can be colder than the surface temperature. any time you are 34, 3 r5, you need to be careful. we need to take it into the morning. some 20s sprinkled about too. 28 manassas. 29 down in gathersburg, we will come back, talk about the prospect of seeing a couple of snow flakes tomorrow and look ahead to the weekend. big changes in store for us. welcome changes. >> and we like that. thank you top. a snowplow is blamed for creating this mess in woodley
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park. somehow it knocked over a fire hydrant send water down the street. people say all of this impacted their service. >> there's little water to brush your teeth, no water to bathe in. >> before discovering the broken hydrant, crews spent hours looking for what they thought was a 12-inch fire main break. a strip mall had to be evacuated in prince george's county after a fire in an electrical room. people spotted thick smoke coming from the shop. they had to wait until they could shut down the power before putting out the flames. no one was injured. the snow or wet roof may have contributed to the fire. jason rezaian, the journalist who was recently released from iran thanked his supporters. >> he received a standing
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ovation during the grand opening of the washington post building. >> knowing the lengths you went to, to keep my story alive is truly humbling and should make us proud to be part of the future of the washington post. >> secretary of state john kerry was also there for the ceremony. after being held nearly 18 months, rezaian was freed in a prisoner swap with iran earlier this month. we are just getting started here on wusa9 news at 5:00. sidewalk shaming pits neighbor against neighbor. wait until you see some of the signs going up. >> topper is back with more onto night's dropping temps and a weekend warmup. >> and gas station surprise. here, a mom giving birth to a bouncing baby on the side of the road in alexandria. >> plus, right after the break, a montgomery county woman faces dozens of charges after officers removed 66 dogs from her home. ♪
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>> new information on a rockville maryland woman facing cruelty charges. 47-year-old katherine tong is facing charges for each of the 66 dogs she is accused of mistreating. nearly all of the animals were in bad shape because of neglect. they have dental disease as well as eye and ear infections. montgomery county's animal services and adoption center is caring for the dog. they expect more than a dozen of them to find new homes. the remaining about malls will be cared for at the shelter. check out our website to learn how you can help. the republican presidential candidates are preparing for the final debate before the iowa caucuses. they will take the stage in des moines, iowa without front runner donald trump. he is boycotting the event.
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the billionaire claims that fox news host megyn kelly was unfair to him. he will hold a fund raising event in stead at drake's university. >> what does it mean when donald trump says my time is more important than your time? >> i give you bernie sanders. >> on the democratic side, susan sarandon introducing bernie sanders. bill clinton is encouraging voters to vote for his wife. an alexandria police officer thought he was stopping a car that was under the influence. >> instead, it was a panicked grandmother driving her daughter in labor. surae chinn just talked to the mom at alexandria hospital and she will never forget this day for a lot of reasons. >> reporter: not going to forget for a very long time.
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baby joshua came a week early. so, the contractions started just before 1:00 this morning. they all piled into the car and knew very quickly they weren't going to make it to the hospital. after a police officer pulled them over, the officer realized what was going on. he called 911 and let me tell you. two pushes later, within a minute, baby joshua was in the officer's arms and also in mom's arms. >> here on the side of the road, this woman is having a baby. >> reporter: grandma rhea in the driver's seat. kenya was about to give birth in the front seat on the way to the hospital. >> mommy, the baby is coming. >> reporter: it was chaos in the car. baby joshua was waiting for no one. alexandria officer michael garcia followed the erratic driver. he pulled over what he suspected was a drunk driver at
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the exxon station at the 2800 block of duke street, but instead, found mom well into labor. >> i go back like this. so fast. >> i said he's coming out. i was going mama, i can't. i can't. >> the police said what's going on? i said, the woman inside is having a baby. >> reporter: within a minute of being pulled over, baby joshua was born. >> in front of the exxon, a female just had a baby. >> i feel so happy. really, really so happy. >> they are being born everywhere. those are miracles. >> reporter: david missed all the excitement at his exxon station. >> congratulations. i'm just so happy for the family. >> reporter: and a highlight in officer garcia's young career at the alexandria police department. >> it's a proud moment. >> thank you very much. and i was like, glad. glad he helped a lot.
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>> reporter: that little cutie weighed in at six pounds, 15 ounces. you know, his older sisters were in the backseat. a six-year-old, a three-year- old, and mom, six-year-old sister. they weren't worried apparently, they were just excited about the new baby boy. the mom was praying all week that the baby wouldn't come during the blizzard. well, he sort of listened. he didn't come during the blizzard. he just had something else in mind for an adventure. and all i have to say is two pushes. just two. >> you know what? >> reporter: congratulations to mom and baby. >> she deserves that. the baby didn't come during the blizzard but he sure did create a blizzard with all that activity. thank you surae chinn. officer garcia has been with the alexandria police for three- and-a-half years. this is his first assisted delivery. no doubted, he will remember this day a long time too. >> with the kids in the backseat! i guess they were sitting ting
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there going no worries. that's calm under pressure. well what have you got for us? >> i have a blustery finish to the week, but you will love the weekend. let's have a look outside. down to 39. dew points in the 20s . winds out of the south at 7. we will switch as the cold front pushes through. lit be a blustery day tomorrow. sort of dress for the 20s and the 30s . three degree guarantee. we are trying to get back on the horse so to speak. 43 for today, how did we do? well join us tonight at 11:00. lows tonight 26, 32. there will be black ice. i don't think lit be widespread. there will be icy spots. for the bus stop, 26 to 34. blustery end to the week. and then, the 50s roll in over the weekend. sunday looks gorgeous. on the futurecast, 9:30, 10:00,
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some clouds, mostly cloudy at night. but temperatures still above freezing downtown. 36. but already, flirting with freezing. gathersburg, 33. buoy, 34. 35 in culpeper. by 6:00 a.m., we do find temperatures essentially below freezing everywhere except the national. unfairly warm there. but upper 20s , low 30s . maybe 29 in dale city. 32 in winchester. 30 in hagerstown. by 9:00, we are crawling above freezing except for friends in frederick and hagerstown. 35 downtown and by 1:00, temperatures upper 30s . notice the arrows here. these arrows produce some big northwest winds, so, the windchills all day will be in the mid 20s to low 30s . so that is what you have to think about when you are trying to get dressed tomorrow. by 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night, kind of a cold night. blustery night if you have plans friday night, temperature ins the 20s . 29 as early as 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. 32 in manassas. and by 10:00, 11:00, we will be in the 20s across the board
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tomorrow night. so, it will be a brief cooldown. and then, warmer air returns over the weekend. so here is a day planner right around freezing. downtown temps, 33 7:00. 38 11:00. 40 by 1:00 p.m. now, the next three days, saturday, pleasant, upper 40s . perfectly fine. 55 on sunday with sunshine. i mean, that is all we can hope for, the next seven days. monday, we are in the mid 50s . the bulk of the day is fine. rain and thunderstorms on wednesday. hopefully all the snow will be gone. i think we will see temperatures around 60 and colder but dry next thursday. >> can't cancel winter just yet. right after the break, space shuttle challenger. remembering one
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>> a grim milestone today in nasa history. >> it was 30 years ago today that the challenger space shuttle exploded shortly after takeoff. seven astronauts died in the explosion.
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nasa held a day of remembrance for those who lost their loved ones. >> what had happened, it was sheer disbelief. and an unwillingness to accept that we really lost the vehicle and the crew. surely, they had aborted. the crew was okay. but, watching it over and over again on tv, reality set in. >> in addition to the challenger, nasa paid tribute to the fallen heros of the apollo 1 and shuttle columbia missions. people will certainly never forget where we were when that happened. >> anchor jan jeffcoat joins us now. >> reporter: i remember watching it in mrs. martin's second grade classroom in south carolina. we were proud to see our fellow south carolina astro not ron mcnair. i wanted to start with this tweet. it brings back so many memories. this person writes 30 years ago, my home room teacher wheeling out the tv stand. that stand will always remind
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me. and this is from the international space station. it reminds us we have an american currently on the international space station. scott kelly doing the yearlong mission. they held a moment of silence and tweeted it. a moment of silence for challenger, columbia. speaker paul ryan says challenger strengthened america's resolve in the cold war. deman lee wrote 30 years ago, i was a kid who wanted to be a pilot and saw these brave souls lose their live ins their passion. we pause to remember them. and of course, the teacher who was on board, she wrote today i'm remembering her and her mission to engage everyday citizens into seeing the magic, the beauty that is science and space itself. sonya wrote astro not christa mcculla, thank you for sending that in to us. and this person writes it seems like yesterday that we grieved
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challenger. i was in ms. teal's class. reagan's speech remained with me. reagan said i want to say something to the school children of america watching the live coverage of the shuttle's takeoff. sometimes painful things like this happen. we will never forget them or the last time we saw them as we waved good-bye and slipped the bonds of earth to touch the face of god. that speech today is one of the most facebooked and tweeted posted reagan speech. back to you guys. >> yeah, 30 years seems like forever ago. seems like yesterday all at the same time. >> that reminded us that traveling into space wasn't routine. >> it certainly changed space exploration, but reminded us never to miss the live shuttle launch us. we want to watch them now. >> absolutely. thank you jan jeffcoat. we have new developments on
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the zika virus coming up and its spread to the americas. >> no need for vdot. fairfax neighbors dig out their own street and capture the stunning progress through time lapse. >> right after the break, how about this? sidewalk shaming. neighbors taking drastic measures to clear out the snow. [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi. melanie. maggie. living room. [dad]what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it great? [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. so keep things moving with 100% fiber optic fios, the fastest internet and wi-fi
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(elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. give us a plan. >> so sidewalk shaming seems to be a thing these days.
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>> that is folks trying to force neighbor to do their part and clear sidewalks to make them safer. debra alfarone is live with a look at one sidewalk that is truly pitting neighbor against neighbor. tell us more. >> reporter: well lesli, i have more on that story in a moment but i want to show you point- blank, there are a lot of streets like this. if you try to walk, it is snow like this and ice like this. it is so slippery that it is absolutely unsafe. that is the reason why we are doing this story right now. but, thanks to neighborhood blogs, we found a note pitting one neighbor against another. >> when i noticed that the driveway and the cars had been cleaned out, i thought there is no reason why the sidewalk couldn't be cleaned out. >> reporter: but five days after the snow fell, this is what the sidewalk looks like. the note writer says for shame
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people. >> i thought the note was a great idea. >> you were the note writer. >> i might have been. >> reporter: they have a lot of different things they have to do. they say they are going to take care of this sidewalk. >> i'm always annoyed when i come to a street and someone didn't shovel. for the most part we have really good neighbors. >> reporter: this street wasn't the only uncleared one. walk down p street in northwest near logan circle and it is clear until it is not. >> it is a bit obnoxious and annoying an unsafe. >> reporter: as we started going to brooklyn, we encountered one nonneighbor helping another. >> why did you help those guys out? you didn't know them. >> well, i didn't, but i figured i would be a good samaritan. >> reporter: the students started shoveling but one mound remains. >> they are good kids. i see them out here. i can forgive them for this. >> reporter: but not the note
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writer. >> we live in a community together and we have responsibilities. >> reporter: whether we live near each other or not says our good samaritan. >> they should be out shoveling their sidewalks and helping other people and being courteous to other people. >> like you. >> i guess so. [ laughter ] >> reporter: now, some have criticized the note writer for writing that note saying why didn't you just talk to the student ins i tried to talk to them, but they declined an interview. one of them tweeted me saying it was responsible for the landlord that wrote it. most of the sidewalks are now shoveled but not all of it. there is still a big mound. at the end of the day, this is a situation where it could be unsafe and you could be fined as well. debra alfarone, wusa9. >> good reminder deb. as local jurisdictions now say they will start enforcing the laws in different places. so, to find out what those
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fines are and what the rules are, go to our wusa9 app and download it for free. so, a lot of neighbors were stranded of course by the snow after the blizzard. but instead of complaining, or writing signs, some took matters into their own hands. peggy fox is live in mcclain with a story of self-reliance. hi peg. >> reporter: absolutely. well, this is young blood street and this is tucker avenue. a few days ago, as young blood was plowed out, you could not even see this part of tucker because of the big wall of snow. >> it just kept rising and rising as they pushed the snow forward. >> reporter: plow trucks pushed snow into a huge wall cutting off 16 houses on the long dead end block. >> i'm about five feet tall and it was pretty much level with my cheeks. >> we had a neighbor who had a son to get to a medical appointment. we had other folks that needed to get to work. >> reporter: they decided to
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shovel out the street and every driveway themselves. >> when i first saw it i thought these people are absolutely crazy. that's a lot of snow. how will they be able to do it? >> reporter: they not only did it, but they recorded it and did a time lapse video. >> we did two football fields worth of snow removal. >> reporter: the video was made by one aguilar and his son sebastian. >> we used the telephone poles down the street to wrap it around and get high angles to see the entire street and to catch everyone who was working out there. >> reporter: the theme song from the 80s sitcom friends was obviously dad's choice. >> i don't think the friend's song was his. >> i don't think he know whats that song is. but that is about tucker avenue. those of us really understood what that meant. >> reporter: no matter the song, the kids got the meaning. >> just have to keep going and
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no matter what, with help from others you can do anything. >> reporter: that's right. and you know i'm told that everyone in this neighborhood helped in whatever way they could. one guy on crutches even grabbed a shovel and did what he could. quite an example of neighbors helping neighbors. i'm peggy fox reporting live in mclean. back to you. >> really bringing everyone together. before plow trucks tried to clear the snow wall after the blizzard, they were not successful. vdot would have had to send in a front loader to remove it if the neighbors had not stepped in and taken care of it. so drivers across the area hoping the evening rush goes a little better than the morning commute. >> icy roads, snow carrying trucks. long travel lanes. it made the a.m. commute a lot longer for some. river road was reduced to one lane around the dc maryland line. nebraska avenue was closed off altogether. so crews could continue hauling
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away mounds of snow. but drivers we spoke to took it all in stride. >> i have lived in washington long enough. no complaints. >> it was a little slow, but they are doing their job. you have to be patient. you have to keep your patience. >> crews worked all night long to get the roads ready for the morning rush and the workers say they hope to have things back to normal by monday. just a reminder, you can get the latest news, trafficker, weather information all you want to know on our wusa9 app. it is a free download for our apple or your android device. now, to the zika virus where the world health organization will meet on monday to decide if they should declare an international health emergency. several people in the united states who traveled overseas have tested positive for the virus including one person from virginia. health officials suspect the virus is responsible for a spike in the number of babies
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born with abnormally small heads in brazil. u.s. experts say the number of cases here is expected to remain small. >> we do not believe that there will be a major outbreak of zika in the united states. >> health officials are urging pregnant women not to travel to affected regions unless they have to it to. it is absolutely necessary. symptoms include pain in the back of the eyes. the joints, the muscles, all of it accompanied by a fever. the so-called affluenza teen is back in the united states. >> ethan couch arrived back in dallas after being put on a plane in mexico. he was convicted of killing four people in a drunk driving accident in 2013, but only sentenced to ten years probation after they argued he was too rich and spoiled to understand the consequences of his actions. he and his mother made a run
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for the border after a video surfaced showing him drinking alcohol. the election is just a game according to a couple of enterprising millennials. >> and these are not your mother's toys. barbie is getting a 2016 makeover. top? >> we will talk about low temps tonight. most folks will be flirting with or be below freezing. in fact, looking at the low of 28 in gathersburg. 27 about 29 in fairfax. we will come back and tell you what that means in terms of icy ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return.
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>> all right, we are going to track what is trending tonight. and barbie is trending. >> they are adding tall, petite, and curvey body parts to a new line of more culturally diverse comments.
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they are responding to comments saying that the doll is out of touch. >> there are people who have turned away from barbie because they want a doll that more resembled themselves in terms of their body type and more in terms of their skin tone. >> so matel introduced 23 new dolls with different skin tones, hair colors. in the company's last earnings reports, sales were down 13% marking the eighth straight quarter of declining sales. a couple of millennials have created a new game using this new election cycle. >> it is inspired by cards against humanity. it is the election game featuring red and blue cards that can be played to create humorous answers to questions. >> one card might read we are going to build a wall and make blank pay for it and the multiple choice answers could
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be the washington cartel, the nra, democratic socialism. canadians, ted cruz, or putin. the game sells for $20. valentine's day a couple of weeks away. people saying romance is dead have not heard about candle lit dinners being offered at the waffle house. that's a tweet from one romeo celebrating the ninth year in a row for valentine's day splendor. anyone making reservations can expect white table cloths, truckloads of candles and menus. >> that sounds nice. it is a wonderful gesture. if i came home with an invitation to the wife to waffle house. >> she wouldn't open the door. >> i would be sleeping at the waffle house. u seen the raccoon dog yet? >> tanu, the tanuki. this little guy is living as a pet in japan. you know about raccoon dogs.
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they are native of east asia. regarded as a pest species. one twitter user has asked how many more adorable species is japan hiding from us? >> kind of looks like a skunk from one angle. >> a raccoon dog. still ahead, raising a glass to remember our fallen heros at
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mom! baby! i love that we're spending the weekend together. oh, i know! hey, why don't you turn off your phone and all your stuff? good idea. it's off. mom? oh, my internet is so slow when anyone else is using it. did you like want to do something? i am doing something. need more bandwidth for all your devices? it's good to be back. switch to fios for 100 meg speed internet, tv and phone, now only 69.99 per month online for 1 year. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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>> six people are dead after a murder suicide in virginia began with the discovery of a body in chesapeake, virginia. further investigation led officers to a nearby home where an armed person was barricaded inside. they discovered an additional five bodies in the house includeing the gunmen. all six victims are members of the same family. new pictures from the fbi of two men they say tried to rob a dc bank yesterday in northwest. it happened just before 2:00 at the bbt on 14th street. the bandits handed a teller the
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note demanding money and took off running. one of the suspects may have a recognizable description. he is 5' 2", thin build and long dredlocks. guess who is making a come back? circuit city. circuit city is coming back. a new company bought the brand. the plan is to get the website up and running in dallas. the next phase is to open as many as 100 corporate owned and franchised locations across the country in major metropolitan areas throughout the next year. the fcc wants to pave the way for more cable box competition. the government will vote next month on proposed new rules allowing you to buy and use set top boxes from other companies besides those from the cable providers. if this goes through, it would help to bring down the cost. the average household pays about $231 a year to rent one. you unlock the market and that could help companies like
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apple, amazon, and roku deliver cable. mcdonald's newest dollar item has created a twitter backlash. seems people who purchased mcdonalds mozzerella cheese sticks found there was no cheese in there. they sounded off tweeting where is the cheese? where did the mozzerella go? come on mcdonalds. they tweeted back sorry you are disappointed but they did not say how you would address the issue. >> maybe they should just put some cheese in there. a virginia woman is brewing up a unique way to honor the men and women serving our country. some paid the ultimate price, others were wounded. andrea mccarren and our service dog bunce show how they are honored. >> reporter: behind every ounce of honor beer and wine. >> ladies first. >> reporter: is a story. the story of a fallen hero, or wounded warrior. >> we can't bring them back.
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we can't bring their legs back. but you can honor them and say thank you. >> he came in the room and he commanded it. >> reporter: staff sergeant wade bennett was killed in afghanistan in 2012. mandy bennett lost her husband and the father of her two young children. she did not lose her infectiously positive personality. >> to be honest, he got to blow [bleep] up. those were his words and he loved it. my husband loved his job. >> reporter: soon, there will be an honor beer on tap bearing wade bennett's name. >> oh, he would love it. he would love having a beer in his name. >> reporter: mandy moved her family from washington state to virginia to be closer to wade who is buried at arlington national cemetery. >> when we have bad days we go to arlington. >> we raise a glass in one's honor. >> reporter: david keener knows what it was like to be raised without a father. he was six years old when his
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dad died in two tours of vietnam. honor is his way to give back. >> you get one chance at life. so, you know, let's figure out what we are going to do with it. >> reporter: this is not a story of sorrow, but of hope. >> it is not that there won't be some tears because there certainly will be. but those tears turn into smiles and laughter. i have seen it one too many times. >> reporter: it is a tribute wade bennett would call epic. andrea mccarren, wusa9. and we have more information for you about honor brewing. just go to the wusa9 news app. check out these incredible ice sculptures. artists walter crane crafted these ice cats near beech tree elementary and falls church. a viewer says these felines are in memory of his mother who recently passed away. mr. crane has many other creations online. just search waltercrane falls church. those are pretty impressive
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top. >> very. took a lot of time to do that. they will be around for a while until the weekend. live look outside. 39 right now, winds are out of the south at 7. that will change as a cold front goes through tonight. so headlines go like this. lows tonight, 26 to 32. so, there will be black ice and some icy patches for some of the folks going to school. not too many kids at school now. 26 to 34 for those bus stop temps. blustery end to the week. but 50s roll in over the weekend. if not saturday, certainly by sunday. 10:00 tonight, we find temps in the 30s . mostly cloudy skies flirting with freezing. hagerstown, buoy, 33 or 34. but remember, you don't have to have temps below freezing to have black ice on the road, on the surface of the road. so keep that in mind. early morning upper 20s . 30 in gathersburg. 28 in frederick. 29 in martinsburg. big snows going on west of the divide. so once you go over savage mountain, there is a winter
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weather advisory. 9:00, we are in the low to mid 30s . by 1:00, we are looking at temps in the mid to upper 30s . i would dress for the 20s tomorrow with this strong northwest wind all day. and then by tomorrow night, if you are headed out, upper 20s already. by evening tomorrow. maybe 29 in gathersburg. 32 in manassas. only 31 in leesburg. tomorrow, we are looking at temperatures back into the 20s very quickly. so, day planner goes like this. 35 at 9:00, but 40 by 1:00 p.m. with a lot of sunshine. but blustery. blustery finish to the week. maybe a morning flurry. again, the mountain snow showers will continue. nice on saturday. upper 40s . pleasant. above average. and then 55 with sunshine on sunday. next seven days, we will keep the 50s going on monday and tuesday. some showers are possible monday, but the bulk of the day is fine. he will probably see a shadow on tuesday. he usually does. and on wednesday, rain and thunderstorms. a little bit cooler next thursday. such high hopes for
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groundhog day. just ahead at 6:00 with bruce and jan, donald trump is ditching tonight's debate, but his campaign says this is no big deal. >> also ahead, the washington post celebrates the safe return of reporter jason rezaian at the opening of the brand new headquarters. >> but up next, running late happens to all of us at one time or another. but, a new survey finds some of us come up with more creative excuses than others. >> and counting down to the big game right here on wusa9. superbowl 50 just ten days away now. broncos versus the panthers. of course. ki
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>> running late. happens to all of us from time to time whether it is bad traffic or hiting the snooze button. >> it can lead to being late to work. and people come up with some pretty creative excuses. >> can we ask you a question? >> reporter: it seems all of us are running behind. >> how often are you late? >> three out of five days. >> reporter: some excuses are plausible. >> my baby pooped. [ laughter ] >> i told them that i was throwing up sick. so that is why i was late. i really overslept. >> reporter: others are even more creative. >> someone from my family died. >> i didn't think it was a workday. it was a holiday.
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>> how did that fly? >> not so much. >> reporter: think that's bad? a new survey from career builder, they told us the most outrageous excuses. my hair caught on fire from my blow-dryer. there was fresh powder on the hill. i had to go skiing. a vaseline truck turned over on the highway and cars were slipping left and right. and i was detained by homeland security. most employers don't care if you are late every once in a while. >> reporter: a quarter of us show up late at least once a month. >> why do we come up with an excuse? >> to avoid trouble. >> reporter: the actual reasons are boring. more than 50% get tied up in traffic. a third oversleep. and 15% were delayed dropping their kids at school or day care. jamie yuccas, cbs news, new york. >> how about this one? i just wanted to make sure i was my best self.
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apparently some people feel guilty strolling in to work early. >> people say if they arrive late, they will stay late tore make up for it. right now at 6:00, donald trump vows to be a no-show, but the rest of the gop feel the president will debate tonight. what will the trumpster be doing? >> the washington post celebrates the release of its reporter from iran and the opening of new headquarters. >> we are learning where the storm of 2016 ranks among the historic storm. good evening everybody. i'm bruce johnson. >> i'm jan jeffcoat. tonight's republican presidential debate in iowa will be without the one candidate who attracts the most attention and he sits atop every poll. craig boswell in des moines to report on what could be a make or break decision perhaps for donald trump. >> reporter: seven gop presidential hopefuls take the stage tonight minus front runner donald trump. his ongoing feud with megyn kelly boiled over this week and he pulled out of the debate
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sponsored by her network. without the outspoken trump, his rivals will be looking to have a big moment and gain ground just a few days before the iowa caucuses. the latest polls show that 32% of likely voters in iowa support trump. senator cruz in second place, senator marco rubio third place. during breakfast, we spoke to undecided voters who want to watch very closely tonight. >> i'm open to both parties. i want to hear what everyone has to offer. >> reporter: donald trump won't be watching the debate. he is hosting an event here with veterans at drake university. his spokesperson says the iowa voters already know all about him. >> mr. trump has been the most visible candidate out there. and we are convinced that most voters know where he stands. >> reporter: trump's event is even attracting his


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